Sunday, January 5, 2014



Arriba podrás ver el video en el que colaboré con la gente de Red Bull, en él documentamos lo más que pudimos de Fashion Globe Trotter, un viaje en el recorrí gran parte de las capitales de la moda para reportar desde los Fashion Weeks a todas las personas por medio de mis redes sociales.

Above you will see the video that I collaborated with Red Bull, in it we documented the most of my month-long trip to some of the world’s fashion capitals to report to everyone through my social media outlets the best of every Fashion Week.

Estoy segurísimo que para estos momentos ya todos estamos hartos de los posts de Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y cualquier otra red social despidiéndose del 2013. Ya estamos en la segunda semana del 2014 y parece que hay gente que no lo supera.

Lamentablemente decir que he estado un poco desaparecido del blog es una sutileza pero todo en este mundo tiene su razón. A principios de diciembre comencé a sentirme muy enfermo y hace poco me diagnosticaron con cálculos biliares, por consiguiente no he tenido las energías para desempeñarme como el pendejo que usualmente soy.

Por eso también me ha tocado postear mi oficial au revoir 2013 hoy y no hace una semana:

Querido 2013, voy a evitar lo más posible ponerme emocional y dejar que todos sepan mis reales sentimientos, porque digo, nadie quiere saber en verdad lo suavenena que soy. Quiero decirte que de los 22 años de vida tu has sido mi favorito, no es por favoritismo ni escogencia a dedo, simple y sencillamente me abriste las puertas a nuevos lugares, nuevas personas y nuevas experiencias.

Contigo recorrí una vez más los recovecos subterráneos de una de mis ciudades preferidas, New York; conocí mi nuevo amor, Madrid; disfruté del Sol y de las rumbas de Barcelona y cumplí mis sueños de conocer Paris. Contigo conocí Las Vegas y contigo crecí como hombre y como ciudadano del mundo.

Gracias a ti aprendí un millón de cosas que tuve la oportunidad de compartir a través del blog y también fue por ti que terminé todas las materias de mi carrera universitaria, solamente quedando en espera que el maldito sistema burocrático de mi universidad se apresure a darme mis diplomas.

En resumen, 2013 you fucking rocked my boat!

En cuanto al 2014, digamos que mi decisión ha sido vivirlo con una sola palabra en mente: osado/a. Atreverse a lo impensable, salir de la bendita zona de confort y romper con la rutina. Comienzo el año con un nuevo trabajo del que pronto les estaré comentando y del que también quiero que formen parte.

Por el momento les digo hasta luego y nos vemos en las cómicas (exactamente como lo decía mi abuelito). BOOM!


It could be even a statement to say that most of us are very done with the “Goodbye 2013...” epidemic that recently took over every single social media outlet. While some of them were pretty fucking annoying, others were very accurate in expressing the caresses of passing from one year to the next one.

Then, it could be an understatement to say that I’ve been away from the blog a little bit. Having said that I have my reasons. At the beginnings of December I was stricken by a constant pain that was recently diagnosed as gallstones, which left me with no energies whatsoever, I couldn’t even make it to the desk, all I did during Christmas was recovering and reading, not even one ounce of alcohol.

Now that I feel so much better I have concocted a very special letter the year we just left behind:

Dear 2013, by all means I am going to avoid any tenderness and pussyness due to the fact that I’m a total macho-man and that all hints of weakness are not even included in my book. With that clear I just want to highlight how special you were to me; thanks to you I met so many new and interesting people, far-away places that I had only dreamt of and new experiences that are now written in my book of life.

You were my faithful companion in the MTA subway while I made my way to the SS14 fashion show and in those moments when I was too drunk to text you were the one that got me a taxicab so I could go weep to my friend’s house; you held my hand in those crazy Madrid nights when a guy showed me his dick and I just freaked out, let’s just say I wasn’t prepared for that; now I am madly in love with that city, not because of the dick, but because of its magnetic magic; you healed me when I broke my eyebrow while drunk-dancing in Barcelona (just kidding, the last thing I remember was my friend Andy pouring vodka on my face to cure the thing); and you were there when I cried like a baby because I finally made my dream of meeting face-to-face with Paris true.

2013, you were the first one that was with me when I attended WWD MAGIC/FN PLATFORM as the official blogger from Panama. Thanks to you I learned one million and a hundred things, which were then graciously (here comes the ego) shared through this amazing blog that God & Madonna created. Most importantly, in this year I finished all of my college-required subjects, all I need is to wait in order to be a graduated boy.

All in all dear 2013, you fucking rocked my boat!

Now onto 2014.

All I’m gonna say is that I have just one word that will describe the way I’m gonna take this year: daring. Starting the year with a new job I’m gonna be telling you of later.

For the moment this is only a “see-ya”. BOOM!

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