Sunday, December 21, 2014

Merry Missoni

Navidad es la época perfecta para tomar Ron Ponche, ver comedias románticas, cenar con los amigos y... comprar. Con todo y que soy de los que profesa la religión del Smart shopping no podemos ignorar que no hay nada mejor que hacernos cariñitos.

Justamente a tiempo, muchas tiendas y marcas han llegado a Panamá, una de esas es MMissoni. Todo lo que tienen es perfecto para ya sea pasar una Navidad de fiesta en fiesta o una Navidad hogareña preparando comidita rica o si estas por lares más fríos simplemente acurrucarte junto a una chimenea y poner Frank Sinatra en el fondo.

Esta semana voy a estar subiendo más outfit posts de lo normal porque quiero mostrarles todo lo que Santa me trajo, igualmente viene bajando THE MCQUEENISMYPAPI CHRISTMAS GUIDE con regalos que escogí y que te recomiendo para que no quedes mal con nadie, quédense pendientes :D


Christmas is always the best season for eggnog sipping, rom-coms, dinner parties and... shopping. Although I profess Smart shopping to everyone, it’s kind of impossible to ignore all the shopping bags around the mall and somehow fall for the trip, luckily a lot of designer brands have arrived to PTY just in time for the merry holidays, MMissoni is one of dem.

I’m loving the variety of pieces they have right now, there’s something for you if all you want to party this season, but if you’re in the mood of just curling up next to a fireplace with Frank Sinatra as soundtrack or maybe just stay home and enjoy the day with family or friends, or lovers ahahha

This week I’m gonna be more active than normal in the blog, not just because I have a lot to show you but a lot to recommend too; coming up is THE MCQUEENISMYPAPI CHRISTMAS GUIDE, a list of items I really want to get but would love even more for you to have (you know, giving is better than receiving and shit), so stay tuned for more :D

Look completo/Complete look [MMissoni]
Gargantilla/Choker [Tara Chial @tarachial]

Slip-Ons [Vans]

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