Saturday, October 26, 2013

Of Carries and Diaries...

Hoy por fin saqué una parte de mi mañana para hacer algo que llena mi alma como no tienen idea: ver mis series de televisión – o mejor dicho internet. Una de las series que más estaba esperando era The Carrie Diaries, con todo y que se nota demasiado la ausencia de Pat Fields, me gusta mucho, sobre todo ahora en la segunda temporada que Walt ya esta afuera del clóset y que se mudó con Carrie al loft de Larissa, y please háblenme de la entrada de Samantha Jones en la serie, háblenme de eso!!

Por eso me pareció muy oportuno subir este retrato que le tomé a Chloé Bridges afuera de la presentación de  Alice & Olivia durante New York Fashion Week, les recomiendo que vean la serie que esta super guay! Bye.



Today I finally took some time in the morning to do something I really really love: catching up with my series. One of the shows that I was most psyched, The Carrie Diaries. I have to confess that at first I wasn’t that impressed by it, specially because of the lack of stylish visual stimulations, but know I’m hooked, even more now that Walt has embraced his gayness & that he moved with Carrie to Larissa’s loft in Manhattan, and what is there to say about the entrance of Samantha into the plot!

Taking account of this excitement I decided to show you the portrait I took of one of the actresses of the show, Chloé Bridges, better known as Donna LaDonna. And seriously guys and ladies, you should see this show, I know it may be cheesy and overly girly but who cares. Bye.


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