Sunday, February 6, 2011


ya saben que he estado hablando de ARTBLOCK 
desde hace MUCHO tiempo, asi que no creo
que les tenga que explicar de que se trata

por eso subiré las fotos de una vez para que 
vean todo lo que pasó el jueves pasado, y les digo que
si no pudieron ir a este ARTBLOCK party el 11
de marzo será el segundo del summer session y ese
si no te lo puedes perder!


you know I've been talking about ARTBLOCK for
a long time, so I'll skip the explaining part & 
I'm going to upload all the photos
I hope that if you weren't there at least
the pictures would make you 
feel as if you were

& if you didn't get the chance to go
FYI March 11th is the second 
party of the summer sessions
now you DON'T wanna miss that
one, the theme will be the enviroment
so wear green all over you & join us :)

my dear friend Monica, she's a photographer on the rise

más fotos después del salto
more photos after the jump

mariery doing her thing
the pink alley in LA VECINDAD
Gaby's performance art called Drift
the theme of the night was the Light, so I posted this pic, suits perfectly 
La Vecindad's roof
christmas lights in February, who cares
INSANO's installation
Keren B. & Laurie, her sister :)

Sashita :)
I L-O-V-E this place
I'm gonna rip your head off ...
me & my friend Karo :)
snow white & the middle of Casco

todavía me quedan un montón de fotos por subir
asi que lo dividiré en varios post 
para que no se cansen

There are still a bunch of photos left
so I'm going to disjoin this post
into one or 2 more

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